
Saturday, 9 August 2014


Just like anyone and everyone, you're leading a normal life...the one of an Aam Aadmi. As a school/college student, you wake up in the morning to go to school/college. You are compelled to attend the morning classes in half sleepy state or in complete senses (by sincere students). You comfort yourself in the dance period by aspiring to be the most graceful dancer in class, similarily you find solace in the aspirations of being a melodious singer in the music period, the agile athlete in the sports period and the proficient student in all the academic classes. While switching over from one efficacy to the other (as mentioned above), you carry those typical teenage sensations of being the hottest diva as a girl with a wardrobe brimmed with haute couture, and of being the handsome hunk as a boy. The hour-glass figurette or the six-packed abdominal structure is also something that leaves us aghast and awestruck.

You come back home finally after those chirping sessions with mates in schools, those seasoned looks ushered by you to your crush in between the classes and breaks alike, and after even those moments of horrendous embarrasment when seldomly you are showcased as the laughing stock of the town. You then rejuvenate yourself by watching TV or by tapping the keys of your laptop. You marvel through such electronic gadgets at the resplendent beauties of myriad actors and actresses, you follow the latest fashion trends from funky flip-flops to flashy watches. Again, comes the dismal occasion when you recall people who mock at your well-rounded belly, your dwarf height or other features of yours which they don't consider upto-the-mark. You envy the girl/guy-next-door who seems to enjoy a Midas touch right from his childhood (...born with a silver spoon types;) ).

By the evening, you somehow convince your parents to take you out for dinner (.. allow you to go out with your friends rather..again that teenage symptom ;) ) after you return from your tuition classes. This outing completely lifts your spirits, and life again becomes perfect for you..atleast momentarily. You lie on bed ultimately after going through all the events of the day. Again, before sleeping you feel like the knight when you stay awake and chat with your friends late at night hiding the phone from your parents. Even in your sleeps, you crave of partying crazily like others do.. all night!

Now just imagine yourself to be hit upon while doing something.. I mean to say that you just get that vibe .. you just feel that something you did just then wasn't only done by your hands, legs etc; but from within ... from your soul.. your heart.. OR you even don't get to do it(at times).. but when you watch someone doing it.. you just feel that you belong there.

Now your life for heavenly sake doesn't remain one of an Aam Aadmi as you choose to make a difference.. at times even an feel like the majestic soul of the world sent on Earth to be extra ordinary and a blessing in disguise for many. You realise your motive in life and you experience that inner peace.. in your wild fantasies. Now people's comments on your physique, your skills don't break you down.. instead you start looking up at them as another stepping stone towards your journey to success (where your heart lies..). Now you don't crib when your parents' turn down on your ask for a pizza instead you start respecting that decision and hopefully, even understanding it.

If you be true to yourself, you'll agree with me that your life then gets transformed from the one of an atheist to that of a meditator..a peacemaker. Problems spring up from nowhere, even when you're following your heart... and mostly even bigger problems show up on your way but now that positive vibe in you does the talking.

Now you don't need those incessant clock alarms to wake you up, your soul rises along with the sun and you feel so passionate and enthusiastic along with the rising sun. Then you say to yourself that “enough of enviousness from others, now you gonna just compete with yourself.” your mind doesn't wander now from being a dancer to a singer and so on... now you just want to be that one person..YOURSELF. You seem to have grown up overnight, when you understand the things happening around you.. they maybe in your favor or not.. and even if you don't understand that reason.. you start respecting this fact and this aspect of life!

Your mind stops wandering now from your hottest crush(es) and centers around your heroic role-models. Finally, after all the soul-searching sessions that you go by when you decide to take that plunge to be who you were created to be , you choose to set the world on fire. In the path , you fail, you get rejected, you are told that you're not good enough, you part ways with your dearest friends, you have to stay away from your family, you are mocked at, you are left shattered and embarrased at times, you feel too much loaded and exhausted to get youself motivated again and again, you lose the reason of your struggle in the middle of your journey, you lose people around you..and then if you are still left with something known as dedication, determination or discipline in you.... you now think of losing youself in it..because now you tend to be the most dangerous of all.. beacuse now you are left with nothing to lose... and that serves as the deadliest cocktail in the world!

And then, you WIN! You! Yes you! You win! Cheer up! Now party as hard you want to!! because it was all worth it! Now you don't need anyone's consent for its your wish to turn to people to take advices from them or not. You are left on your own now, because you show it that you can do it all by yourself. Your parents are proud, your friends return back to you, high headed people who discouraged you stoop their heads low in front of you.. and now, even this shouldn't excite you, lure you and leave you strayed from your path. You should just accept all sorts of people, forgive them for all wrongdoings and make your perspective larger than their objective in life.

I will just wrap it up by saying that, there are somethings in life which everyone needs to learn in order to excelor survive. Some learn the hard way and others the smart way... the magnitude of intensity of those things, according to me , makes all the difference.

So just put on your magical garb and live the life that you imagine beacause that is the biggest adventure you can ever do in your life... the one of following your dreams and being a Passionate Junkie.

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